Discovering IoT-Speaking Hosts in IPv6 Internet

On this website, we present the results of the ongoing active measurements to discover IoT-speaking hosts in IPv6 Internet.

This work is conducted as a part of Master Thesis Discovering and Characterising IoT-Speaking Hosts in IPv6 Internet. The active measurements are done on IPv6 Internet, using the IPv6 hitlist service.

Data Request

In order to facilitate further research, we make the raw measurement results available to fellow researchers. Since the data is sensitive, please send a quick registration email to gain access. Please include the details about the required data and the purpose of its usage in the email.


Open Port Scanning Tool

We use the Zmap tool from TUM, which supports IPv6, along with our few custom probes for performing open port scanning.

Application-Layer Network Scanner

We extend the Zgrab2 tool to support popular IoT protocols like AMQP, XMPP, CoAP, MQTT and OPC UA. We also extend the scanner to support DTLS to scan the secured version of CoAP. The code is available here.

Scanning Pipeline and other Tools

The complete pipeline for the scanner and other tools can be found in our repository.


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